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Measured Survey

We conduct measured surveys for exact measurements of the existing plots, external elevations and floorplans. These are then used to inform our sketch schemes and produce CAD drawings and for any proposed works.  Where appropriate our plot surveys include levels to assist with design and technical aspects of any proposal.

Feasibility Study

We work for Clients to investigate the feasibility of development. Considering planning policy, site constraints and costs we explore the options available and present the relative merits of each. Clients see this as a valuable process to advise and inform prior to pursuing a formal design process and planning applications.

Brief and Sketch Schemes

We spend time, in person to understand how Clients want to live, their aspirations and priorities. It is essential to understand a Clients’ ideas taking a simple list of ‘wants’ and turning them into a clear brief ensuring our views are aligned.

From the brief, we produce sketch schemes turning ideas into tangible options. We ensure practical considerations such as structure services are considered from the outset, so as to be seamlessly integrated into the design.

We discuss budgets and advise on projected costs. We draw upon our experience from other projects to give a realistic potential spend, adjusting schemes to suit as necessary.

Developed Design and Planning

At this stage we finalise the design, including materials. We produce CAD plans including sections and a Design and Access Report. We direct the planning process, making  applications and liaising with local authority officers.

Tender Process

We produce technical CAD drawing and specifications suitable for building regulations and to tender to contractors. We work with our preferred structural engineers to produce a full package of drawings and schedules. Typically, we make applications to Building  Control on a Clients’ behalf.

 Our highly detailed specifications result in accurately priced tender returns, reducing the risk of cost fluctuations during construction.

We tender to suitably qualified and experienced contractors, presenting a tender return analysis to help Clients decide who to employ.  We discuss any queries and concerns with both contractors and Clients, often meeting together to ensure transparency.

Contract Administration

We direct the contract process, advising on which contract type is most appropriate for the project. We are skilled at formulating contracts, for the protection of both parties.

On site, if required we perform contract administration duties. Regular cost valuations ensure Clients have a clear picture of where the contract sum is being spent and if additional spend or savings are to be expected.

We are onsite to assess progress and quality of construction, ensuring the contract documents are adhered to.



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